Saturday, December 29, 2012

Mass Effect 3 Hack + Game Trainer [PC] [Xbox 360] [PS3]

Mass Effect 3 Hack + Game Trainer [PC] [Xbox 360] [PS3]

Mass Effect 3, the epic conclusion to the Mass Effect trilogy, was announced on December 11, 2010. In Mass Effect 3, an ancient alien race known as the Reapers, has launched an all-out invasion on the galaxy, leaving nothing but a trail of destruction in their wake.

The events of Mass Effect 3 follow on the heels of Mass Effect 2's DLC expansion pack, Arrival. Multiplayer is included for the first time in the series in Mass Effect 3 in the form of an online four-player co-op mode.


HOME KEY - Trainer Activation

F1 ~ Super Health
~ This will set your health to max. keeps you alive and well.

F2 ~ Infinite Sheild
~ This will keep your sheild at max. keeps you protected.

F3 ~ Instant Power Cooldowns
~ Powers get's cooled down instantly.

F4 ~ Super Melee
~ Let's you use the melee on your enemies from a far away distance.

F6 ~ Infinite Grenades
~ This grant you an Infinite amount of grenades to use.

F7 ~ Add Credits
~ This will let you add and increase your current credits by 1000 each time,  push this button and pause the game to see your newly added credits. repeat and so on.

F8 ~ Infinite Medkits
~ This will grant you Infinite Medkits.

F10 ~ Mega XP
~ This will increase your Experience/XP

F11 ~ Mega Squad Points
~ This will increase your Squad points.

Number 9 ~ Infinite Ammo
~ This will grant you an infinite amount of ammo to use.

Number 0 ~ No Reload
~ This will remove the need to reload any weapons you might be using.

Insert Key ~ One Hit Kill
~ This will let you take out most of the enemies very easly.

Numpad 1 ~ Rappid Fire
~ This will increase the bullet rate on your guns.
Important: Always enable infinite ammo/no reload
before you decide to use the rappid fire option!

Numpad 4 ~ Bullet Impact
~ This will increase the bullet impact effect.

Numpad 5 ~ Reduced Recoil
~ This will reduce the recoil effect you gain
by using certain weapons.

Numpad 6 ~ Mini You
~ This will make you very small.

Numpad 7 ~ Super Speed v1
~ This will increase your walk/run/sprint Speed.

Numpad 8 ~ Super Speed v2 - Alternate
~ This will increase your overall speed. Running / Walking etc..


Numpad 0 ~ Store Location
Numpad 2 ~ Teleport
Numpad 3 ~ Undo Teleportation

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